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There are no FREE 800 numbers

By Bill Quimby on July 18, 2022

Don’t be fall for FREE 800 Numbers

There are a lot of slick websites marketing different kinds of toll free service. Many may say they offer “FREE” 800 numbers but in the end they all have strings! Unfortunately, toll free numbers cost them something and as the saying goes, there’s no free lunch. They may have term commitments, transfer fees, or just refuse to transfer numbers, claiming THEY own the numbers, even if the salesperson selling the service denies these things.

The person selling you the service isn’t the one setting their policy and they have an incentive to say whatever they need to, to sell you. We’re small, with just three people, if you’re not talking to the owner in person, you can be if you need to. No other toll free number service or website can say that, and you can’t hold them accountable if something goes wrong. When we say there’s no strings or hidden fees, and we’re the only ones that don’t have an incentive to keep you here, not only do we mean it, you can COUNT ON IT!

Don’t fall for FREE! The small fee to purchase and own your number, doesn’t mean you don’t have to keep it active, but it does mean you CAN’T BE HELD HOSTAGE!

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Tolfreenumbers.com was extremely professional and attention to service was unlike ive seen. No better place for your toll free numbers. - All Access Printing

Aaron Kenna

Woodinville, WA

I wish I had come across your service years ago. You simply offer the most tools, and have the most knowledgeable staff in obtaining toll free numbers. Thank-You very much,

Greg Slauson

Utica, MI

Your service has been great, and when I have a question, (probably a stupid one at that) I am treated with respect and I get my questions answered.

David Clark

Salt lake city, UT