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Local Vanity Numbers in Prescott | TollFreeNumbers.com

Find local vanity numbers in Prescott!

Search, lookup and buy local vanity numbers for sale in Prescott, AZ

Prescott, AZ uses area code 928

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When a new local area code is added, all 8 million numbers in it don’t become available. When a new area code opens it means that phone companies can start getting blocks of 10,000 numbers. If the exchange, the first three digits hasn’t been assigned to a company you can’t get a number that starts with those digits yet. After it’s assigned to a phone company, the phone company may start to issue the numbers in that block. Most hold them a while and don’t have a very good search or request process. This is the window that you have to catch the number in, after it’s assigned to a phone company and before it’s given to a customer. Most of the numbers you see here probably would have been handed out at random if they hadn’t been picked up by someone holding it and offering it to you.

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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Toll Free Numbers.com was fast and easy to use. Within days I was able to purchase my desired Toll Free Number, have it up and running and switch the number over to my carrier with no complications. They also had real people who I was able to contact that answered all of my questions. I would highly recommend this web site to anybody and everybody looking to purchase a toll free number.

Amanda Diario

Los angeles, CA

Thank you for the opportunity to purchase a number that worked with our needs when our local phone company was unable to do so. We had originally purchased this number in May 2010, however, our local phone company ported the incorrect number and it was just recently that we discovered that we were not receiving the calls from our clients as we had expected. When we looked back on the original paperwork, the error was discovered. We are thankful that we had the original documentation (the toll free birth certificate) from your organization showing that we had purchased the number and our local phone company was able to correct their error quickly. Again, thank you for making this (for the second time) an easy and smooth process.

Brenda Midkiff

Baltimore, MD

The website for TollFreeNumbers.com (1 800 Marketer) is very detailed with lots of very helpful videos. It was easy to find a great number. Great follow-up and customer service as well.

Chad Dubea

Beaumont, TX