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We release toll free numbers faster than anyone else!

By Bill Quimby on April 27, 2023

Most phone companies see toll free as an afterthought. And releasing toll free numbers is an after thought of an afterthought.It usually means they are giving up a customer, which they don’t like or want to do. Dragging their feet and making it difficult might be an advantage or benefit to them, so they don’t make it easy and certainly aren’t efficient or fast.Thank goodness we’re different.

Toll free is all we do, and releasing a number isn’t giving up a customer for us, it’s why people come to us and get numbers from us in the first place. Quite simply, we release numbers faster than anyone. Our resporg department isn’t a black box in the back with no access like it is in most other phone companies. We’re real people and easy to communicate with, and sometimes that means it’s easier to complain to us than your regular phone company. You could also say, saying we’re faster and better at something everyone else drags their feet on and is inefficient at, isn’t saying much, but it’s what we do!

Not only are we fast at it, but we notify you when it’s been released. Very few if any phone companies notify you when your number has been released but we do! I know you’ve got deadlines and probably have advertising starting yesterday, but relax!We’re the best at this and happy to help you!!

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

I cant remember ever dealing with a company that builds your trust so quickly, follows through so thoroughly, and is even kind and personable in the process. I wish every company I dealt with had this kind of customer service!

Tom Ruotolo

Redding, CA

Toll Free Numbers was a pleasure to work with. The service was outstanding, and the response time for inquiries was exceptional. Id highly recommend them for your toll free needs.

Anthony Yackel

Thank you TollFreeNumbers.com! I have been very happy with our exchange and my new Toll Free number. I will be sure to recommend your services to anyone in need. You guys are very affordable and you've made it's very simple to set everything up.

Neil Sargisian

Broomfield, CO