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Voce Telecom | Resporgs | TollFreeNumbers.com

Voce Telecom

Voce Telecom offers international & domestic Toll Free, Long Distance and Local phone service, nationwide high-speed Internet services and a variety of Business Solutions for retail and wholesale customers, mainly in AZ and the Los Angeles area.

Best 1% List

Voce Telecom

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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Bill, I personally want to thank you for outstanding support, and for the quickest and painless ways to setup a 1-800 number for Comm Link Inc. Our customer can now enjoy our new 1-888-9CLIHELP as central for Technical Support of Audio Video & Videoconferencing needs!!!

Roman Genkin

Reisterstown, MD

Details of the Recommendation: This is a solid recommendation for Bill Quimby and his company TollFreeNumbers.com. Anyone on LinkedIn who requires toll free numbers or advice on how to manage their toll free telecommunications with IT needs will benefit from contacting Bill and his company. I am amazed at the amount of information available on his website, and very thankful to have found them. Their staff and knowledge are exceptional. TollFreeNumbers.com is definitely the best in the business!

Donna Haney

Mansfield, TX

So far I must say that this has been the most impressive customer service I've ever worked with before. I did do my homework and found some negative things about you on the internet. But all the critical comments had no facts or bite to them. It just seemed like some one got it in their head to slander you for whatever reason. Since you're toll free number search is the best by far, I decided to have integrity and conduct business with your company. It's funny, by you calling me and issuing this credit, it really shows me that you are nothing less than a marketing guru that works hard, and takes care of business. I'll be coming back for more services very soon.

Andy Chen

Porter ranch, CA