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Voipwalker | Resporgs | TollFreeNumbers.com


Their email address references voicewalker.net but there's no website there. They only have 200 numbers so they're very small. There's also some incorporation listings and a chamber of commerce listing but nothing concrethis so they're unknown and secondary.

Best 1% List


Additional Name(s)None

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Great experience. Buying my numbers was easy, transferring them was easy, and when I had a question I called in and it was answered before I even thought I was done asking. Great people, great company. Great advise on their website as well. I'll be back. Thanks

Scott McGarvey

East alton, IL

When you run your own company, you put your whole heart and soul into your business if it's what you love, and you give away all this free help and advice, and sometimes, it seems like no one even cares. I really do GET THAT! That's why I was so blown away by your site, your advice, AND your business support team. There is just so much there. I know you know that, and I know you are a consultant, and I'm sure you publish too. But again, that's not the point. I'm just always so pleased when I get in touch with other business people who really care about their customers, AND about what they're doing. And you really do. You're brilliant!

Kirsten Tretbar

Overland park, KS

I just bought a toll free number through you at TollFreeNumbers.com (1 800 MARKETER). First of all, I want to say what a tremendous pleasure it is purchase from you. I've purchased a toll free number from you before and have never forgotten you and the experience. The information you provide is more than just helpful. I would say it is essential!

Calvin Tomm