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Total Numbers

By Bill Quimby on July 19, 2022

One of the simplest ways to gage the size of a phone company is by how many toll free numbers they have. We went through all 45ish million toll free numbers and sorted them by Resporg.You have to take it a step further though because not only are a lot of the resporgs inactive or ghost resporgs, but a lot of them are also connected to other resporgs. Some of that is obvious because they have the same name, but a lot have old names of companies that don’t exist any more and are now part of different organizations. I had to track down the organizations of every one I could find to group them properly, in order to get an accurate picture of the organizations and their full numbers.

This took months but I now you can click on any resporg in our search results and see the actual number of toll free numbers that organization controls. Soon you’ll be able to see how many of each area code, they have and maybe even more interesting, how many of the top 1% numbers they have in total and by area code. We’re even going back through the past 5 years of data and going to show you the growth rate of all these things too! The numbers don’t lie and are one of the most important metrics to see for every phone company.

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Thank you so much for your assistance. We are very pleased with the service you provide and will certainly plan to use and promote your site whenever the opportunity arises. Be well, and best wishes in all your endeavors,

Tom Robertson

Tulsa, OK

We are so pleased with the personalized attention you folks provided us as we got our toll free number up and running. We requested a vanity number and got a good one. Tollfreenumbers.com delivered on every promise. You may be a small business, but you are a giant in our eyes. Thanks so much for your help and fantastic customer service.

Richard Greene

Saint louis, MO

Thank you very much for all your help..Yes we are up and running now with our toll free number..So glad it all worked out..I think that number will work out good with our commercial.

Betty Donohoe