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Phone numbers can't start with a ZERO or a ONE

By Bill Quimby on April 25, 2022

Phone numbers can't start with a Zero or a One. Not toll free numbers, and not local numbers either. If you write out (201) 123-4567 you kind of realize it looks funny. 1 and 0 were set aside from the first phone number system, to represent Long Distance and Operator assisted calls, respectively.

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

The website is very user friendly and help is available also. The process for getting a GREAT toll free number is very smooth. It was ringing thru in record speed. Highly recommend 1 800Marketer.

Mike Cocozza

Sarasota, FL

Thank you for the help. The service I received from you and Bill was top-notch! The communication I received was timely and adequate. I would do business with you again.

Brian Yarham

Avon lake, OH

Your website was super easy to search for the right toll free number for our organization. The response time was really quick and we were up and running in no time! Thank you for the superb service!

Charles Pelletier

Fort kent, ME