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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“I want to thank you for your great service. I find your website very very convenient in ordering a toll free number. I will highly recommend this to everyone I know that needed to have a toll number.”
Melody Quirit
Irvine, CA
“You guys have great customer service and have been very helpful throughout the process! I am a co-founder of a startup called Skyscope Creative. We make stunning and strategic video for enterprises such as TollFreeNumbers.com. This is my first start-up and its always great when services like you are so helpful. Maybe we can even do a video testimonial for you guys in the future!”
Alexander Dunn
Worcester, MA
“Bill, Rita, Gloria, Hope.. What an amazing team to have the pleasure to work with. You would never think or expect to get such great service from anyone in the phone business. The giant phone companies need to send their executives for visits to tollfreenumbers.com to learn a few things about customer service. Thanks,”
Bobby Farahi
San francisco, CA