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Request a quote on this Kall8 number

This number isn’t in “Available” status. It's an active number for Kall8, and they don't just release numbers, but you may be able to use it with their service. We have a good contact at Kall8, so we can request a quote for this number and let you know. It’ll probably take a business day or two, to reach them but we’ll call or email you back as soon as we can get an answer for you, about it. They're very professional and easy to work with and rely on if you like their service and need one of their numbers.

Of course, you’re welcome to contact them yourself. There’s no obligation. I’m just trying to help make it easy for as many people as possible. Let me know how important this is, anything else you’re interested in and any other questions or comments. I can’t promise anything as it’s a third party’s number, but I’ll see what I can find out for you.

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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Thanks again to you, Bill and Gloria for your help. Bill actually took the time to e-mail me explaining in detail how you fight the toll-free number squatters, warehousers, misdial marketers and other dubious entities to obtain vanity numbers for your legitimate business clientele. I was impressed with the industry knowledge, responsiveness and prompt service of everyone at tollfreenumbers.com, and would heartily recommend you to my friends.

Mat A. Slechter

Louisville, KY

It was a pleasure working with the Team at TollFreeNumbers.com. They assisted me from start to finish in acquiring and setting up our new 800#. The process was quick and easy and I can highly recommend their services.

Ian Klein

Melville, NY

Thank you for keeping us informed. Like you, we are a small business and understand the need for feedback. Bill was very helpful in explaining why it empowered us as consumers and clients to purchase a number that we can own, rather than leasing a number tied to a particular service, one we cannot take with us if we are unhappy with our enhanced voicemail provider. We look forward to returning to you for our future toll free number purchases.

Chessa Ferro

New york, NY