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Request a quote on this Kall8 number

This number isn’t in “Available” status. It's an active number for Kall8, and they don't just release numbers, but you may be able to use it with their service. We have a good contact at Kall8, so we can request a quote for this number and let you know. It’ll probably take a business day or two, to reach them but we’ll call or email you back as soon as we can get an answer for you, about it. They're very professional and easy to work with and rely on if you like their service and need one of their numbers.

Of course, you’re welcome to contact them yourself. There’s no obligation. I’m just trying to help make it easy for as many people as possible. Let me know how important this is, anything else you’re interested in and any other questions or comments. I can’t promise anything as it’s a third party’s number, but I’ll see what I can find out for you.

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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

I was pricing toll free numbers before coming to you for help and the $799 tab was just out of our league since we are a new, very small not-for-profit company. Your service was quick and happily easy to get through. Thank you again for your quality service and everyone was so friendly! Many thanks!

Tracey Milburn

South elgin, IL

Bill Quimby is everything he says he is and more. He communicated with me throughout the entire process and set my expectations to a realistic level. His website really helps the consumer understand an industry that is complex and surrounded in mystery. In short without Bill's help we never would have gotten such a good number for our business.

Jiovanny Gonzalez

Hialeah, FL

We are so pleased with the personalized attention you folks provided us as we got our toll free number up and running. We requested a vanity number and got a good one. Tollfreenumbers.com delivered on every promise. You may be a small business, but you are a giant in our eyes. Thanks so much for your help and fantastic customer service.

Richard Greene

Saint louis, MO