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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

I read the testimonials on your site, and but always take testimonials with a grain of salt. However, I've been very pleased and impressed with the service you provide, from the ease of site navigation to the purchase process to email reminders post-purchase. I can't remember the last time I had such consistent follow through in a customer service experience, and I am very pleased. Thanks again. I will be sure to use you for our future toll-free needs and recommend your site and service to others.

David E.M. Wood

Waukesha, WI

I wanted a toll free number for our company and within 10 minutes had found a vanity number that was perfect for us. I immediately placed an order for the number and within hours the number was working and I had placed an order with my telephone provider to port to my account. I do not think this process could have been any easier. Thank you! Aaron Tuomala Orange County Computer Support

Aaron Tuomala

Huntington beach, CA

Because of your service, I feel like I hit the Powerball jackpot! What were are the odds of someone like me wanting a 800# that spelled out my company's name in its entirety? Million to 1? Billion to 1? I know they are up there. I go to your website for the first time and type in the name of my company. I find out its on the back order list. I sign up for your $4.95 to hopefully get the number when it gets released. I ask Bill what my odds were and he said 50/50". I asked how to increase my odds and he emailed me a pdf that gave me tips on how to obtain the Backordered 800#? I follow the tips and 2 weeks later - JACKPOT!! 1-800-Core2400 is mine. Thank you Bill and Rita for making me feel and look like a million bucks!!"

Tyrone Tan

Alameda, CA