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Local Vanity Numbers in Hartford |

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Hartford, SD uses area code 605

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Call us at 1-800-MARKETER!

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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

This is my first experience with getting an 800-number, and your site was the easiest to understand, had the best price, and the personal service you provided all along the way was a very pleasant surprise. The manual you send which described the porting process was simple yet thorough, which was a huge help in ultimately getting the number up and running.

Jeremy Spilman

La place, LA

Yes, I want to let everyone know the professionalism, documentation, and follow-up that is provided by is second to none. I have been in the communication Industry for 25 yrs, I have always gone to my phone vendor for 800 #'s, I am kicking myself for not seeking out this hidden jewel for obtaining 800#'s. My loss for all these years, please do not make the same mistake, go to to obtain your next 800#, you will not be disappointed

Bill Campbell

Clementine Live Answering Service

Fayetteville, NC

Thanks for the excellent customer service! You guys have been great to work with. We have published our number at our new website called Feel free to use my comments.

Tim Ancona

Loves park, IL