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Local Vanity Numbers in the 504 Area Code |

Find local vanity numbers in the 504 area code!

Search, lookup and buy local vanity numbers for sale in the LA area code 504

504 is one of the original 86 area codes created by AT&T and the Bell System in 1947. It originally served the entire state of Louisiana. 504 was split in 1998 creating the need to update some of the phone numbers to area code 225, and again in 2001 to create area code 985. To avoid exhausting all possible phone numbers in this area code, relief planning has begun, but it has been .

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Generic words are hard to get in the toll free world because you’re competing against everyone in your industry nationwide, plus the toll free area codes opened all at once, creating a feeding frenzy when toll free area codes open. Local numbers are given out differently though, in blocks of 1,000 or 10,000 numbers at a time. So good vanity numbers become available gradually over time, so it’s harder to suck them all up at once. This means there are more of them available if you know what to ask for and with who. We help you with all that and make it as easy as searching and ordering right online! Order whatever you want from us and then you can transfer it to your local phone and use it as long as you want with no strings.

Vanity Numbers in Other LA Area Codes:

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

It was a smooth easy process to purchase a great number. Customer service was appreciated and will be recommended.

Cori Segal

Calabasas, CA

Hi, Rita, Bill and Gloria I just called my toll free number, and it is hooked up! I just want to thank you again for running such a great business that helped me acquire a vanity number for my new business. Your service has been phenomenal. And when I ran into a roadblock transferring the number to my original carrier and had to find a different company, I would have been totally lost without your help. I had NO idea where to look, and I appreciate the extra time you all took to match me up with just the right service provider. From start to finish, you guys are the ones who made it happen, and it is such a relief to know that the rights to the number belong to me, not to another company! I will definitely recommend you to my associates. Gratefully, Camille Mitchell, LMT and small business operator; web address:

Charles Mitchell

Houston, TX

Everyone we've dealt with at the company has been fantastic. As a new, small cabin rental company in the Smoky Mountains, there's no way we could have obtained the 800 number we did through any other channel. After all, we don't plan to stay small for very long! Thanks Bill, Rita, Gloria and Hope. If you're ever in our area, please stop by Mountain Sunset Cabins for a visit!

Jim Large

Maryville, TN