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Lumen Technologies | Resporgs |

Lumen Technologies

Formerly Century Link, among other names, Lumen is a large telecom company that's grown through numerous acquisitions and of course has multiple resporgs and systems and probably numerous numbers lost in the cracks. They also work with a number of resellers, though not as much as they used to. This makes finding the right segment of the company and the actual company providing the service especially hard.

Best 1% List

Lumen Technologies

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Additional Name(s)Century link

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

It was a painless process to obtain a toll free vanity number from the team at 1-800-MARKETER. Their attention to detail is exceptional and they know the true meaning of client services. I felt like a baby wrapped in a warm blanket and I was never dropped! I highly recommend their products and services"."

Santiago Cruz

Traverse city, MI

You guys were very professional and VERY responsive. Could not have asked for better follow-up. Also, when I did not get the exact number I wanted you provided me with great alternatives.

David Weishaar

Minneapolis, MN

The best 800 service on the planet. If you are even thinking about another company, forget it. These people are fantastic. Plain and simple

Frank Lashua

Worcester, MA