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American Data Networks | Resporgs |

American Data Networks

American Data Networks

American Data Networks Logo
Additional Name(s)None

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Thank you so much for such a great and easy service, and your unsurpassed customer service. It is apparent that you care and appreciate all of your clients. Your automated emails were timely and helpful. But, when I needed additional help and support, you were right there... treating me as if I was your most important and only customer. We could not have found a better toll free number without you. I am so pleased with your service that I'm sure I will be back again and again, and will refer you to others with certainly!

Andrea Finkelstein

Scottsdale, AZ

Liked the website (1 800 MARKETER) with sketches to describe different aspects to acquiring a vanity toll free number. By understanding the different numbers available, wise choices can me made. Highly recommended!

Anatoly Soyfer

Brooklyn, NY

This is the first time ordering from (1 800 MARKETER). Found it very easy to get a really great number. Customer service was very helpful. Would highly recommend them to anyone getting a vanity toll free number.

Jonathan Frank

West palm beach, FL