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This resporg was for Birch Communications which was acquired by Fusion Connect May 7, 2018.
We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“Thanks again for providing us with excellent toll-free number services. Not only do you guys have the best products and prices around, but the service referrals that you provide are spot on! One of them best companies I have ever worked with is www.tollfreenumbers.com.”
Paul Burgett
Hopkins, MN
“Thanks for all the great customer support. Tollfreenumbers.com was easy to use and was able to get my business a great number. Keep up the great job”
Glenn Lite
Nouvalari USA
Ambler, PA
“Thank you very much for this email letting me know that the toll free number has been transferred. I was waiting to call MCI again to see if they had completed. Now I know they have already contacted you about getting this done. This company has helped me with two toll free numbers now and each time has been so smooth. Thank you all very much for the time and one on one you have given our company.”
Sheila Bramlett
Soperton, GA