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Bivouac Networks LLC
A small independent resporg services provider?
Best 1% List
We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“: If you need a good toll free number for your business, Bill Quimby at tollfreenumbers.com is the guy to ask. I've used his service several times in the past, and I wouldn't go to anyone else. He is the leading vanity phone number consultant in the country for 5 reasons: better numbers, faster activation, better proof of ownership, free temporary ownership, and faster transfers than anyone else. In addition, Bill will take the time to educate you about toll free numbers and answer all of your questions free of charge. NO CONSULTING FEES! You only pay if and when he gets the number for you. Which other reputable business do you know where you can call them and ask to speak to the owner and actually get him or her? Speak to Bill for FREE! Avoid the hassles, scams, and high costs of everyone else. Give Bill a call today at 1-800-MARKETER. He'll get you a good vanity number.”
Bjorn Hare
Hollywood, FL
“Your service was impeccable and delivered exactly what I was looking for in half the time I expected. Thank you for your assistance and care in getting this accomplished”
Michael Cahinhinan
Honolulu, HI
“Your service is amazing! I've used your service several times because its very convenient, simple, and easy to use. Thank you, William Kubofcik”
William Kubofcik
Haledon, NJ