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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

When I was referred to you from a past customer of yours, I never believed that the setting up of a vanity number could be so seamless. It was everthing that he said that it would be. When, as a start up small business you are so busy trying to connect all the dots, it is refreshing to have a partner who is so efficient, courteous and patient in helping find solutions for your business needs. I have no problem in recommending your service to anyone. It was truly a good experience.

Lennix Lewis

Elmhurst, NY

Wow, I couldn't believe how fast, easy, and most importantly affordable it was to get our company's custom toll free number through - we found the number, paid the low flat fee to purchase it, and almost immediately we had documentation for the transfer of the number to the carrier of our choosing! Zero hassle, and they present NO hurdles to try to force you into other services you don't want to pay for. Other sites want to offer you the number you want, but they want to charge you by the minute for their continued service. I'm so surprised by the simplicity and affordability of this process that I can't believe all businesses aren't picking their own custom number! I might trade my personal number in for a custom number now, why stick with random numbers when its this easy to be picky? :) thanks, for the enlightening experience!

Qijune Sun

Mansfield, TX

Working with has been a blast, everyone over there has been really helpful and seen that our service was flawless. Please feel free to use this on the website with a link back to

Lane Campbell

Chicago, IL