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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Thank you for your assistance in obtaining several toll free numbers for my practice. Your site makes searching for and obtaining the numbers extremely easy. A potentially difficult task is reduced to a few simple clicks. I couldn't be happier.

Martin G. Miller

Long beach, NY

It is such a pleasure to use the website and to do business with Bill Quimby and his telecom marketing team. We have done repeat business with them multiple times over the years and they just helped us secure another wonderful toll free phone number to help us to better start and promote our new business..

Robert Grand

Boynton beach, FL

Thank you for making getting my toll free number so easy. I just got my second number and it required almost no work for me. When I ordered the number, it was not yet released, so I forgot about it. Then you emailed me a couple of times, and then told me I had the number. Thanks again for making getting a memorable number so easy!

Gary Massey

Chattanooga, TN