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Grande Communications Networks
Astound Broadband owns Grande Communications Networks and provides Internet, TV, Phone and business services.
Best 1% List
We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“Awesome service, was able to full fill our request to have a lettered 800 number that meet that services we provide. I would recommend them any day . Was fast helpful with the process and set up and worked quick with our carrier to port the number. Five star. Advanced Drains And Plumbing Repairs WWW.ADAPR.NET”
Craig Devakow
Springfield, PA
“Bill, I personally want to thank you for outstanding support, and for the quickest and painless ways to setup a 1-800 number for Comm Link Inc. Our customer can now enjoy our new 1-888-9CLIHELP as central for Technical Support of Audio Video & Videoconferencing needs!!!”
Roman Genkin
Reisterstown, MD
“We were very impressed by the way we were treated and the label of professionalism your company works. We need more people like you in todays business environment. We just recommend your services to any one looking for a professional service at a very competitive prices.”
Elio Vazquez
Miami, FL