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Immediate Services LLC
Teli offers an API based on RESTful, making it easy integrate with Building voice, messaging and fax functionality into your application with just a few lines of code.
Best 1% List
We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“Simply amazing!!! TollFreeNumbers.com was able to do in a matter of weeks what we have tried to do unsuccessfully for years, secure a branded toll free number. Their expertise, communication and follow-through are a model example for any business.”
Chris Graham
Surprise, AZ
“The website is user friendly and has a large selection of numbers. It was easy to get the number that fits our needs. Thanks for good Customer Service.”
James Rathel
Tampa, FL
“Thanks for the follow up. I'm really pleased to work with you. You sure make it easy. Must be that small business thing that we both share, taking time to really look after our customers and being passionate about what we do. I'm the very same way and a one man operation. I'm happy to support another independent in this day and age of multi national uncaring corporations. Warmest regards,”
Dar Franklin