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Independent  Resporg | Resporgs |

Independent  Resporg

Independent  Resporg

Independent  Resporg Logo
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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Though my last name changed (so my wife could keep her Japanese citizenship - I changed mine to hers; it used to be McNutt), I have been using your services for probably 10 years. You're the best. I have sent many other friends and business friends to you to get their number. There is nothing simpler, and your information and services are unbelievable. You keep on top of us 'busy' entrepreneurs to make sure we get our phone line changed. You're absolutely the best and the only service I would ever use to get my toll free number. Your software that helps me find the prefect number is only the most efficient, and having spoken to Bill personally, I know you both to have great hearts and wish you only the best. Take care, and I look forward to finding my next 800 number with you!!!!

Timothy Kojoma

Columbus, OH

Getting a top tier vanity 800# has never been easier! I received excellent support from Bill, Gloria and Rita; everyone went above and beyond in regards to attention to detail and recommendations on numbers! Will I use again? Most defiantly and you should too!

Bryan Lipscomb

Rancho santa margarita, CA

Working with Toll Free Numbers has been a pleasure. The team handled every aspect of obtaining the requested number and they made the process very easy. The friendly, knowledgeable staff took care of our needs and obtained the number we wanted - all with almost no effort on our part. We're extremely satisfied and we highly recommend Toll Free Numbers!

Becky Brodeur

Reno, NV