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West Corp | Resporgs |

West Corp

West Corp

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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Rita-you guys are the best. I used years ago for another business, and I had the same professional service then as recently. A major reason for deciding to use you guys initially was the wealth of information both on your website and via conversations on the phone. Taking the extra time to explain the toll-free process made all the difference. You guys make it super easy!

Brett Thrailkill

Atlanta, GA

I made 1.2 million dollars because of the phone number Bill helped me get. I was just a cold call to Bill, but he helped me get a great number. I have worked it for several years and made a bundle! Thanks (800 MARKETER)!

Daniel Claffey

Stevenson ranch, CA

In July, 2011 I started a new barter exchange called Trade This, Inc. A barter exchange is a network of business owners who barter with one another without spending cash but rather trading for goods & services which they need or want. We provide a 3 dimensional barter. Our members dont necessarily barter directly by swapping a specific good or service for another specific good or service but rather they accept barter, in lieu of cash, then accumulate barter dollars which can be spent with ANY of the other members on our network. Example, a restaurant takes barter for payment. Once they accumulate enough dollars to buy what they need, they can visit our website to see everywhere their newly earned dollars can be used. Maybe they need carpet cleaning or a plumber. On my website, they can search for other members in their area who provide the good or service that they are in need of. Shortly after opening the new exchange, because we are a nationwide service, I contacted for assistance in securing a vanity phone number for my business. I was able to find a number that pleased my boss tremendously, using the search engine on their website. This process was SO simple AND I got 30 days of service for free! In fact, the process was so easy that when my boss insisted on another vanity phone number for our telephone authorizations line, I was able to use once again. In a matter of hours, I had the new toll free number working and once again, I received another 30 days of phone service at no cost. I recommend this service for any business or person who is trying to find and secure a special phone number.

Melissa Danner

Bloomfield hills, MI