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TELUS Corporation | Resporgs |

TELUS Corporation

One of the large incumbent Canadian phone companies.

Best 1% List

TELUS Corporation

TELUS Corporation Logo
Additional Name(s)None

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

We love you guys! This is our second toll-free and we are so happy to work with you again. We appreciate your phenomenal and attentive customer service! Keep up the great work!

Wendy Meyers

San antonio, TX

Thank you for your company's friendly service and easy to use website. I have used your website to purchase more than 10 numbers for my law practice and 10 more for future projects businesses. Thank you also for making the post-purchase process so easy especially for your follow up emails.

Steven L. Chung

Collegeville, PA

I just wanted to express my highest recommendation to your company. From start to finish the service and professionalism was terrific! Your team secured my Law Firm a unbelievable vanity 800 number at a very fair price. I would highly recommend to anyone wishing to get a toll free number at a reasonable price. Thank you

Scott Grabel

Williamston, MI