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This resporg was NYNEX when it was broken up from AT&T and now is part of Verizon.
Best 1% List
We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“OMG I am so thrilled with your service. One simple email and you found the perfect toll free number 800-My-LA-Wedding. I would never have guessed that this incredible number was open let alone I could have it. A few years back I found your site and you once again went the extra mile to get me 866-Lets I Do. Thanks soooo much. You guys rock:)”
L. Starbuck
Beverly hills, CA
“My buying experience with Tollfreenumbers.com has been awesome! So much easier then I ever thought it would be. Your customer service has been outstanding and answered every question that I had which were many for thats how I am! Thank you so much and will recommend your services to all my friends!”
Lonnie Freeman
Hilliard, OH
“Thank you so much for your assistance through the process of purchasing a vanity 800 # to having it transferred. Your service was truly exceptional! Based on my past experience, I felt you went above and beyond to provide service. However, I've come to realize that this is your normal" standard of delivery."”
Alex Dosani
Houston, TX