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XO | Resporgs |


This is the part of Verizon that used to be XO. That's important to know when you're dealing with a large phone company with multiple different parts.

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Additional Name(s)Verizon

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

WoW! Thanks Guys! Each time I have called or emailed, you have answered or responded and been very helpful, even at the close of Friday. You did great at bailing me out of a jam with the forward feature. I will remember your excellent service the next time Im ready for another toll-free number.

John Murdock

Orange, TX

Its always an easy process to find a memorable toll-free number at Bill, Rita and the gang are very responsive, and it was easy to port the number to our permanent carrier!

Dave Robinett

Omaha, NE

To get a great toll free number, go to (1 800 MARKETER)! It's quick and easy, and we love to deal with them. The people are helpful and nice. Highly recommend them!

Bert Gonzalez

Miami, FL