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Voxeo Corp | Resporgs | TollFreeNumbers.com

Voxeo Corp

There's a wikipedia listing for Voxeo but there's no website for it.


Their email address is at aspect.com but In May 2021, Aspect and Noble became ALVARIA. You can't keep up with changes in Telecom!

Their site focuses on Customer Experience (the new term for way to describe a call center).

Best 1% List

Voxeo Corp

Voxeo Corp Logo
Additional Name(s)aspect.com or alvaria.com

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Thanks for all the great customer support. Tollfreenumbers.com was easy to use and was able to get my business a great number. Keep up the great job

Glenn Lite

Nouvalari USA

Ambler, PA

Bill - as usual your website is flawless and efficient (and obviously still a brilliant concept!) Your lightning-fast feedback and customer service combined with all the value-added services (monthly updates, toll-free birth certificate, user guide with all the great information, etc.) truly puts you at the top of this industry. Anybody would be crazy not to come to your site, search for a good vanity number (or 5 good numbers like I've bought...), and then just get on with their business. Keep up the great work, and as we work on other projects and business units, we'll probably be purchasing more numbers from you fairly soon!

Scott Harvey

Tustin, CA

Let me just say that you and your company have been extremely helpful from the get go you have been there for us from our initial order until its transfer and handled our account extremely efficiently and professionally We our proud to add 877 4 Aerocell to our company and are very thankful to you for having sold us this number which is now appropriately displayed at www.aerocellwireless.com

Avi Lesser

Brooklyn, NY