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Their domain name might have been acceris.com but you really can't find any real nformation about them.
We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“We have been able to purchase multiple numbers with ease for use by various lines in our business through 800Marketer over the past year. The website is fast and user friendly. Both Bill and Hope are quick to answer any questions and we will continue to use them for any future needs and would highly recommend them to anyone looking to purchase a specific number.”
Susan J Nych
King of prussia, PA
“Your service is excellent, inexpensive, efficient and hassle free. I also found the information on your website about domain numbers and other links was extremely helpful. Thank you.”
Irena Barbanel
Bloomingburg, NY
“I just returned to the office and received your emails. Thank you for all of your help with these numbers - the extensions when our carrier wasnt able to transfer them in a timely manner, helping when we ran out of minutes, everything. We purchased the numbers for a brand new organization and all of our marketing materials, website, etc. were printed with the numbers. If it werent for you and Toll Free Numbers, we would have been in real trouble. I would highly recommend your company to anyone!”
Cheryl Orrell
Ocala, FL