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CoreTel Communications is the parent company of a network of wholly owned Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs)
We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“thank yo so much for patiently trying to find the right number for me. I almost thought I would never find it..but your perseverance paid off. I am very happy with the number and, lo and behold, my Canadian provider actually transferred the number and it has now been hooked into my home number. In my business identity and recognition is key to success, particularly since its such a short season. Thank you again for all your help., HoHoHo”
Santa Claus
“Thanks a lot you guys are really prompt and sincere i appreciate the assistance i received from your service. The website is built so simple and free flowing it took no time getting started. I look forward to getting more information and assistance in the near future THX again from all of us”
Duke Anthony
Rancho cucamonga, CA
“The service I got from tollfreenumbers.com was fast and reliable. The response is almost immediate and they kindly answered any question I had. They set up my toll free number without delay. Great service, recommend.”
Zohar Sabari
Las vegas, NV