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Teligence Resporgs |

Teligence Resporgs

3 Resporgs · 2,818 Total Numbers

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Your service was well beyond my expectations for just a Toll-Free Number. Your customer service, follow-up and prompt replies had me realizing what good people, like you, make a difference in a these times of large corp/businesses....especially around anything associated with phone service.

Douglas Perschbacher

Bloomsbury, NJ

As a new entrepreneur, I have so many areas to address. took the stress out of getting 1-800 #. Very little action was necessary on my part. They also informed me each step of the way with an email that had a personal touch. They are genuinely interested in their customer's success!

Patricia Donohue

San diego, CA

When I went to the website it was super informative. It was simple and easy to search for a special number. In less than 5 minutes, I had not only a great toll free number but one that was personalized to my business. I will happily recommend to anyone needing a memorable vanity number. Best of all they followed up to see I needed any questions answered. Great customer service in a day in age where that is the exception not the rule.

Jerry Agee

Heber city, UT