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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“TollFreeNumbers.com is by far the easiest way to get a vanity toll free number! Simple and quick - less than 1 minute to search, less than another minute to purchase. Exceptional customer service. We highly recommend them!”
Shawn Petri
Sterling, VA
“Thanks for answering my email - and on Christmas day! I am sorry but I really thought that you might not be in until Monday and I got panicked and went and bought it from another site. I should have realized from your previous track record that you respond immediately. I do feel a certain allegiance to you and your site however. I searched on your site, found the number on your site, and have used your site countless times in the past, and I would therefore feel more comfortable if you would charge my credit card on file the $49.95 for the number. You really did everything but switch the number. As I mentioned in a previous email, I did give my daughter the first number that I acquired from you recently (888-POURED WALLS) for Christmas. She said it was the weirdest present she ever received. Hopefully, over the next few months, I hope to make it one of the most thoughtful and long lasting.”
Ken Peterson
Utica, MI
“Thanks, we are small business too. My telco supplier cannot give me any choice take it or leave it , we have moved on from the black model T you have solved my problem and I. Have a number new customers will remember and purchase my product.”
Jeff Cook