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Matrix Business Technologies
There are records of the business name being incorporated but not much else. The domain name excel.com is used in the email address, but there's no site there now. But with 7 numbers they're basically a GHOST RESPORG. Maybe they're the phone company that operated the payphones in Matrix movie?
We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“When running a company, it is important for me to have a team that i can delegate responsibilty to. They need to be the experts, do the homework, and point the company in the right direction. I wanted to say Thank You to TollFreeNumbers.com for making my job of acquiring a new 800 number easy and informative.”
Jason Whitney
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“Thanks for the follow up. I'm really pleased to work with you. You sure make it easy. Must be that small business thing that we both share, taking time to really look after our customers and being passionate about what we do. I'm the very same way and a one man operation. I'm happy to support another independent in this day and age of multi national uncaring corporations. Warmest regards,”
Dar Franklin