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They were probably in the Vanity number business. Not much is really known about them. They still have a 1200 numbers and a high percent of them in the top 1% but there's not much else. If you can add anything about them comment below or email us.
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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“Thank you very much for you excellent service. Your process is very simple and the website is easy to use. You make the process of owning an 800 number very easy. I have a Pet Care Company called 'Happy Tails Pet Care' based out of NJ. With your help I was able to secure my toll free number: 877-NJPetCare. Thanks for everything you do and I highly recommend you to everyone looking for a toll free number. I will certainly be coming to you for my next one!”
Joe Timpone
Riverton, NJ
“Thank you very much for all your help..Yes we are up and running now with our toll free number..So glad it all worked out..I think that number will work out good with our commercial.”
Betty Donohoe
“Bill - Thanks so much for your help and great ideas today on the phone. It's wonderful to talk to a live person and receive immediate feedback on ideas. Your information and suggestions can and will only enhance my business. Thanks!”
Usaf academy, CO