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Shepher Corp
The name matches the last name of the contact, (which we don't give out for privacy purposes) so it's probably very small. The only other thing that stands out is the domain name of the email address is lifealert.com so they might be connected to that. They're mostly inactive as far as being a Resporg goes.
We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“If you're looking for the quickest, most affordable and stress free way to get a toll free number, TollFreeNumbers.com is the place to go! The team guides you through the process and makes it easy to get your number operational in a friendly, expert manner.”
John Groff
San carlos, CA
“With regards to your service, I was very please with all aspects of your your service. Your website was excellent and easy to use to find a number that I liked. After my purchase, your continued follow up and attention to my order was excellent. Thank you for the great service and I will definitely use you again and recommend you to any friends that need your service.”
David Wolf
Miami, FL
“Thanks for letting me know and I appreciate it. I found your service very useful and did not want to lease a number for marketing purposes and wanted to own the number and your service allowed me to find a personalized number which worked for me. I called and everyone was very helpful and thanks again. I wish you the best of success.”
Roy Doppelt
San diego, CA