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Somos Help Desk | Resporgs |

Somos Help Desk

Somos uses BR resporg IDs for a variety of different things. BRD means it's with a disconnected resporg, in the process of closing down. BR833 is for the 16,000 833 numbers left over and now stuck in Limbo after the failed 833 auction. Some other numbers are just held because of disputes between resporgs. If a number is on BR* you probably won't be able to get it from Somos but it might be worth continuing to monitor.

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Additional Name(s)formerly SMS/800

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

I purchased one toll free number and it was so easy I couldn't resist buying a second one. This is one great system. My phone was ringing 10 minutes after I bought the last toll free number. Find that somewhere else!!!!!!!!

Frank Lashua

Worcester, MA

Thanks for the exceptional service & helpful info on the toll free number traps to avoid on the Internet. Had we not found you guys I'm sure we would have been held hostage for our chosen number. Bill answered all my emails promptly - even on a SUNDAY to make sure we didn't lose the number we wanted. Keep up the great work!

Todd Terbrock

Rita, Thanks for your help! Getting us through the procedure, has been have been very helpful. It is a pleasure to recommend your service to others. And yes feel free to link our website,, to your website. We appreciate your support! Thanks, Scott

Scott Dietrich

Harleysville, PA