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Wiphonica | Resporgs |


I found a listing for Wiphonica on a site of voip providers but it was in NY and there's no website at which they use in their email address. So I'll leave this under UNKNOWN until we find any more information.

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We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

I definitely recommend They kept me in the know the entire time and establishing and choosing a great number was as simple as it gets. Best regards as always,

Jason Lubliner

Howard beach, NY

I cant express my gratitude enough for Bill and Rita. Where else can a one-man operation score not just one but four branded toll-free vanity numbers like the big boys? If I make just one sale because of any of them theyre all more than paid for. Bills personal and blog guidance on picking numbers was very helpful. Even the other phone service companies I use are appreciative of easy porting process. Great people, great company.

Geoffrey Pierce

Whippet Realty

Phoenix, AZ is a life-saver. We have a client whose sales are generated via direct response, so a great toll free number is a must! With so many TFN's already reserved, there was little left in the available pool to meet our client's needs. But thanks to and it's helpful TFN search tool, we were able to secure a great number for our client. Thanks to Bill, Gloria and Rita for taking such good care of us!

Sarah Howell

Columbus, GA