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This website has something very few sites do

By Bill Quimby on May 26, 2022

This internet service has not just a live person available. Not just a live person in the US, Not just a live person in the US that knows what they’re doing, This 26 year old niche service website still has the founder, available by email and phone, actively building, developing and writing and helping customers every day. I’m not the only one here, and even the other people working here have been doing this for an average of over a decade too. There are very few websites that can say that.

This has been my full time business since I quiet my full time job to start this in 1995. I didn’t start as a web development company 20 years ago and switch to this a few years ago, claiming they’ve been “in business” since 1995. I’ve been helping customers find the best available toll free numbers for over 25 years because I really enjoy it!My degree was in marketing and this lets me help a lot of new businesses and new marketing programs and is always a lot of fun.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had people call and say, “You don’t remember me, but you helped me get a great number 10 years ago and I couldn’t remember the site but I remembered your name and wanted to thank you for how much it helped my business, over the years.” That’s a great feeling and I feel like I’m doing what I am supposed to be doing.

Sometimes I say it this way, that I’ve been doing this since before AT&T even had a website, and before a lot of even the biggest phone companies were started. Companies tend to merge and be bought up and change very quickly in this. And it’s not really just the age of the site or company that matters as much as the unique small size and independence that lets me run this business the way I think it should be, not the way some outside organization or owner wants, or thinks makes more money.

There are very few small, independent businesses in this industry of telecom giants. And none that have been around since before the giants, and doing the business the way it really SHOULD be done, focused on helping the customers.

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Thanks again for everything. We love working with always easy and fast! Definitely recommend you guys. Missak Tokhmanian LoanMart

Missak Tokhmanian

Encino, CA

From the beginning of the process to the end, and after the staff at has been a pleasure to work with. I had an unfortunate situation where I needed to port my number to a VoIP provider. I followed up on the status of the porting process with them only to find out the had no record of my fax for this request. I immediately contacted my contact at where they made my situation a priority and released the number immediately! I would not work with any other company for toll free number services, will always have my unconditional recommendation.

Frank Hrestak

Harrisburg, PA

The website was easy to look up combinations of numbers and words for our customers. Thanks, for your help and great customer service. Highly recommend!

Reinier Nissen

El segundo, CA