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Verizon Resporgs
We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years
“You folks have been great. From Bill immediately letting me know that the order was received and what I would expect, to both you and Gloria reminding me of what I needed to do to complete the transfer and being there to answer my multiple emailed questions promptly, the whole experience was seamless and pleasurable. I would (and will) recommend your service to others. A great value and I am very happy with our new 800 number!”
Steve White
El paso, TX
“We have been using TollFreeNumbers.com for several years. Always has prompt, efficient and friendly customer service. Highly recommend them for vanity numbers.”
Michael Ginsberg
Cary, IL
“When running a company, it is important for me to have a team that i can delegate responsibilty to. They need to be the experts, do the homework, and point the company in the right direction. I wanted to say Thank You to TollFreeNumbers.com for making my job of acquiring a new 800 number easy and informative.”
Jason Whitney
Lumberton, TX