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Some numbers are Too Good to be True or Backordered

By Bill Quimby on December 12, 2023

Every month there’s a couple amazing numbers that get disconnected. They could be 1-800 numbers that end with three zeros, or end in four repeating digits, or are popular generic 7 digit terms. If it’s one of the top couple thousand most valuable numerics or it’s one of the top couple thousand most valuable vanity terms, it’s not just that the odds are low of getting it. It’s not worth your time backordering it, or getting your hopes up and not worth putting the resources necessary to pursue it.

We used to block any “800s” ending in 000 from being able to be backordered in the old system for that reason. The system doesn’t block them any more because our goal was to speed things up. But that doesn’t change the fact that those “shark bait numbers” aren’t going to be possible. The problem comes down to the economics. Lets say a number is worth 25K. If a phone shark gets the number, they get to keep the full value of the number, so they can afford to put A LOT OF RESOURCES into getting them. Regular phone companies don’t charge anything for getting good numbers for their customers so they put almost nothing into getting them.

We’re in between, the two. We get a few hundred dollars for backorders depending on the area code, but we’re not charging you for them based on the value of the numbers. That’s great for you! But for the “shark bait” numbers that are so obvious they stand out and are put at the top of the list by every phone shark, we’re not putting in the resources they are. We can’t and you wouldn’t want to pay that much for them even if we could.

So sure, it’d be awesome to get a number, worth tens of thousands of dollars, for a couple hundred dollars but that’s not realistic. We also only charge you if we’re able to get the number, so we have to be a little bit smart and selective in this. We used to charge a fee just to place backorders, which discouraged people from backordering unrealistic numbers a little. Now we have to turn down those high end terms. If in doubt, go ahead and backorder it. But you also have to understand why we have to cancel some backorders. It’s not because we want to get them for ourselves or don’t want to help you. But we have to be smart in what we pursue and don’t want to give you unrealistic expectations.

If you’re looking for a great numeric number, click on the purple buttons for True800 or Premium #s at the top of the results screen or in the services menu. That’s the way to get good numeric numbers. If you have questions about a number, call or chat with us and we’ll be glad to help you! We’re real people and we’re doing all this to help you get the best numbers possible.

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

Thanks so much for making purchasing a vanity toll free number so easy and painless! Your friendly and courteous staff ensured a smooth process every step of the way.

Craig Petronella

Apex, NC

I want to thank you for your great service. I find your website very very convenient in ordering a toll free number. I will highly recommend this to everyone I know that needed to have a toll number.

Melody Quirit

Irvine, CA website is extremely useful. Their search engine that checks for available 18** numbers saves a tremendous amount of time when trying to select a number for your business. It took no more than five minutes and I had my number selected. I was amazed that my number was working within minutes. TollFreeNumbers representatives helped me answer all of my questions and even refereed me to a great VOIP company that had answering service inbound fax service extension dial plans and even provided me voice mail talent FOR FREE! I can't say thank you enough to Bill, Rita and Gloria for making this an easy process.

Jorge Natal

Hollywood, FL